There are three popular use cases for integrating BambooHR® with ADP Workforce Now® or ADP Workforce Now® Next Generation. With data integration from Flexspring, you only pay for the use case or use cases that you need.
- ADP Workforce Now® or ADP Workforce Now® Next Generation
- Uni-directional data sharing (per use case)
- Data Connector
- Near real-time via API
- 1. New Hires from BambooHR to ADP®
As soon as a hiring manager presses the new hire button in BambooHR, new hire data automatically syncs in ADP® in near real-time with essential information needed to process payroll. - 2. Employee Updates from BambooHR to ADP®
As soon as current employee data changes in BambooHR, the data automatically updates in ADP® in near real-time. This ensures that all employee data needed to process payroll is up-to-date for current employees. - 3. Additional Employee Data Use Cases
This bundled use case includes additional employee data integrations for sharing any or all of the following between BambooHR and ADP®: Tax Withholding, Direct Deposit, Paid Time Off, Leave of Absence, Vacation Accruals, Bonus Information (one time or otherwise), Emergency Contact Information.
Certaines entreprises peuvent utiliser la version clé en main. Ce connecteur préfabriqué et à faible coût fonctionne avec les noms et la syntaxe de champs standardisés. L’option clé en main est une intégration complète qui ne nécessite pas d’intervention des experts de Modulus Data pour le mapping de données.
En autant que votre entreprise se conforme aux noms de champs et à la syntaxe des données standardisés utilisés par BambooHR et ADP, vous pouvez utiliser l’option clé en main pour compléter votre intégration.
De plus, si votre organisation modifie les noms et la syntaxe des champs pour se conformer aux standards de BambooHR et ADP, vous pourrez alors utiliser la version clé en main.
Révisez les maps d’intégration clé en main ou contactez avant de choisir la version qui vous convient (sur mesure ou clé en main).
- Partage de données uni-directionnel (par cas d'utilisation)
- Personal Data
Hire Date
Reason for Hire
Tax ID
Tax ID Type
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Generation Suffix
Preferred Name
Birth Date - Legal Address
Address 1
Address 2
Postal Code
County - Communications
Email Url
Home Phone
Cell Phone - Demographics
Marital Status
Race ID Method
EEO Ethnic Code - Employment
Position ID
Job Title
Worker Category
Business Unit
Home Department
Cost Center
Pay Frequency
Rate Type
Pay Period Pay Rate
Hourly Pay Rate
Daily Rate Amount
Rate 2 Amount
Company Code
The select connector includes all 37 turnkey fields plus customization of 5 fields in ADP® and the ability to apply custom data-mapping logic.
Select also allows for multi-step data collection. A select integration pulls data from applicants and new hires in BambooHR—assisting in the onboarding process in ADP®—while waiting until the appropriate start date to send a new hire to payroll.
Select handles rehires into the same position and terminations.
Select also handles a one-time synchronization of employee IDs between apps (AOID) to prevent employee data conflicts. (With turnkey, you will have to update employee ID fields manually in BambooHR.)
- All Turnkey Fields
- Custom Logic to Customize 5 ADP® Fields
- Rehires into Same Position
- Terminations
- Multi-Step Data Collection
- One-time Synchronization of Employee IDs
Le connecteur Bamboo HR avec ADP de Modulus Data a 3 différentes variantes basées sur le type de scénario: Nouveaux Employés de Bamboo HR à ADP; Mises à jour des employés de Bamboo HR à ADP; champs sur mesure de Bamboo HR à ADP. Vous payez seulement pour le(s) scénario(s) dont vous avez besoin. Également, Modulus Data offre une version sur mesure et une version clés en main pour les deux premiers scénarios.
- Vacation Accruals
- Bonus Information (one time or otherwise)
- Emergency Contact Information
- Leave of Absence
- Direct Deposit
- Tax Withholding
- Unlimited Custom fields
- Custom Tables
- Rehires into Different Position
- Email Alerts
- International Requirements
- ADP Workforce Now®
Businesses with BambooHR and ADP Workforce Now® or ADP Workforce Now® Next Generation, who require additional employee data custom use cases.
- Tax Withholding, Direct Deposit, Paid Time Off, Leave of Absence, Vacation Accruals, Bonus Information (one time or otherwise), and Emergency Contact Information. If you want more than three use cases, please speak to your Flexspring sales rep for special pricing.