The ADP® SkyPrep integration provides the ability to sync and update users data from ADP® to SkyPrep LMS. The integration can push users data manually in real-time or can be scheduled to occur once a day. As well, the integration allows creating workflows to automate course enrolment and eliminate manual processes.
- ADP Workforce Now®
ADP TotalSource
- 1. Read data from ADP
2. Single Sign-On
3. Buy Now
- Data Connector & End User
- Real-time
Scheduled – [once a day]
- The following fields will be read by SkyPrep LMS from ADP WFN:
1. Actual Start Date
2. Adjusted Service Date
3. Assigned Shift
4. Associate ID
5. Benefits Eligibility Class
6. Business Unit
7. Company Code
8. Cost Number
9. Department
10. Ethnicity
11. First Name *
12. FLSA Status
13. FTE
14. Full Name *
15. Gender *
16. Generation Suffix *
17. Hire Date * (‘New Hire’ events create/update the full worker profile)
18. Home Phone *
19. Hours Period
20. Job Title * (‘Promotion’ or ‘Demotion’ events create/update full worker profile)
21. Last Name *
22. Legal Address - City *
23. Legal Address - Country *
24. Legal Address - County *
25. Legal Address - Line 1 *
26. Legal Address - Line 2 *
27. Legal Address - Line 3 *
28. Legal Address - State / Territory *
29. Legal Address - Zip / Postal Code - 30. Location
31. Maiden Name *
32. Marital Status *
33. Marital Status Effective Date *
34. Middle Name *
35. Other Personal Address - City *
36. Other Personal Address - Country *
37. Other Personal Address - County *
38. Other Personal Address - Line 1 *
39. Other Personal Address - Line 2 *
40. Other Personal Address - Line 3 *
41. Other Personal Address - State / Territory *
42. Other Personal Address - Zip / Postal Code *
43. Pay Frequency
44. Pay Grade
45. Payroll File Number
46. Personal Email *
47. Personal Fax *
48. Personal Mobile *
49. Personal Pager * - 50. Position ID
51. Preferred Name *
52. Professional Suffix *
53. Race
54. Rehire Date * (‘Rehire’ events update the full worker profile)
55. Reports To *
56. Reports To - Name *
57. Reports To - Position Id *
58. Salutation *
59. Scheduled Hours
60. Seniority Date
61. Standard Hours
62. Status
63. Status Effective Date
64. Status Reason
65. Termination Date * (‘Termination’ events update the full worker profile)
66. Union Code
67. Union Local
68. Work Address - City
69. Work Address - Country
70. Work Address - County
71. Work Address - Line 1
72. Work Address - State / Territory
73. Work Address - Zip / Postal Code
74. Work Assignment - Hire Date
75. Work Email *
76. Work Fax *
77. Work Mobile *
78. Work Pager *
79. Work Phone *
80. Worker Category *
The admin dashboard provides a concise summary of important reminders and notifications, including pending assessments and upcoming deadlines. Additionally, it offers an overview of the performance metrics of various training elements, such as courses, assessments, groups, and learning paths, enabling you to track your users' progress.

The learner dashboard provides learners with direct access to their training. It displays announcements, the courses and learning paths the user is enrolled in, what activity they are currently working on, and a calendar view of upcoming events, allowing them to stay up to date and organized.

SkyPrep allows you to customize your platform and sub-platforms with white labeling features such as custom colors and logos, automated emails, and login pages. By personalizing the platform to match your brand and audience, you build a unique learner experience and reinforce your corporate brand.

Create any number of custom roles to provide users with limited administrative permissions and have complete control over what they can view and access on the platform.

Measure the effectiveness of your training with SkyPrep’s reporting capabilities. Use pre-built reports or customize your own to dig deeper into your metrics to track performance and identify areas of improvement. Then schedule these reports to be sent to other members in your organization to keep everyone updated and on the same page.

Have multiple different platforms for your branches, brands and clients, all under one account. Customize the look of each platform to match your unique audience and branding, and share courses between them with a few clicks.
Level up your training with game-based features to create an engaging learning experience for your team. Gaming elements like leaderboards, badges, and points help make training more interactive and motivates your team to do their best while going through training.

Our content creation tool is designed to let you easily create rich and engaging content you can add to your courses to make more of an impact on your learners. You have a variety of content types to choose from in building out your content like text, images, videos, questions, charts, and more.