StandOut, powered by ADP® Employee Engagement

Quick and easy employee engagement measurement

Quick and easy employee engagement measurement

Ready to make better decisions about where you allocate your most valuable resources like time, attention and finances?

Start with meaningful measures of engagement. Equip your team leaders with real-time, reliable data and timely insights so that they can build engaged teams, and you can build a high-performing organization.

Features and Benefits

Engagement Pulse

Measure engagement in real time and empower team leaders to increase it with a reliable eight-question engagement survey and coaching based on results.

Dynamic Teams

Create teams to reflect and measure where the work actually happens: in cross-functional or project-based teams.

Team Leader Engagement Coaching

Empower team leaders with actionable engagement insights through personalized in-platform coaching.

Coaching Channel

Get coaching at your fingertips with personalized in-platform coaching content, developed by seasoned professional coaches.

StandOut Assessment

Discover your people’s strengths with a 15-minute assessment that identifies their Top 2 StandOut Roles and delivers personalized content.

Admin Tools & Reporting

Empower leaders and HR to increase engagement with real-time data and insights.
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